Saturday, November 26, 2016

Hackers Try To Stop Recount In 3 States Using Cyber Attacks

Hackers Using Cyber Attacks Try To Sabotage Recount Funding! 

Internet Outage thru out the United States are targeting areas that have a high democrat voter turn out. 

States that could potentially fully fund a recount in Michigan , Wisconsin and Pensylvania thru Jill Stiens Recount Crowd Fund. Mrs.Stien has Successfully raised over 5.8 Million and is almost reached the goal of 7 million needed by Monday to fund a full recount in 3 states. 

Century Link Outage 
Comcast Internet Outage 

Compare Both Outage Maps of Comcast Internet and Centurylink Internet providers and compare the U.S.A. 2016 Electoral College Map.  

Electoral College Map

When both maps are overlaid on the states and counties that voted heavily democrat are suffering internet outages during a crucial fundraising stage to fund a recount in several states that Donald Trump won the electoral college.
Map Outage Overlay

Is this an attempt by outside terrorism or domestic sabotage in an attempt to stop the recount in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pensylvania or purely coincidence that both of the major internet providers in the United States are suffering severe connection outages. 

The Cyber Attacks could potentially stop or hurt the funding efforts needed to file for a recount in which Hillary Clinton may have potentially beaten Donald Trump. 

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