Monday, November 7, 2016

Jello Science Experiment Is Alive

A high school student in North Carolina has successfully spawned a new life form using Green Jello. 

The high school sophomore was initially conducting the experiment as a joke, in which he intended to enter the experiment in the school science fair.

The boy has been using batteries as a power source and copper wires placed inside the green jello. The boy began sending an electrical current from the batteries thru the wires to the jello in a Frankenstein type of mad scientist joke experiment. 

The boy had left the wires connected to the batteries overnight when he returned the next morning the jello had grown in size and was moving around inside the container. 

The young man notified his biology instructor in order verify his claims, the blobish life form is said to have grown twice in size since the discovery and continues to grow at an exponential rate. 

The teacher has since moved the new life form into a bigger container to observe the jello's behavior.  The jello life form is said to grow quickly when it makes contact with an electric current.

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