Friday, November 4, 2016

Man Says He Has Proof Republicans Are Reptilians

A New York Man has indicated that he has proof the leaders of the republican party are not human and are in fact reptilian creatures from another dimension.

The man is currently  in protective custody of New York State authorities due to several previous attempts to assassinate him by unknown parties.

 The man believes they do not want the man to come forward with proof of reptilian creatures infiltrating  the United States republican party. 

The man believes that it is critical the truth be known before the U.S. citizens vote next week in the presidential election.

He has also indicated that he has been trying to get proof for several years and finally was able to capture the reptilians morphing into their human disguise  using his phone camera. 

The unknown man went on record stating that the reptilian creatures use a hologram type of technology to disguise themselves enabling them to appear in public as human. 

 " Many of the people in government offices do not realize they are taking orders from creatures who are determined to enslave the human race. " 

" They are working from inside our government, they are slowly beginning to change our government so they have absolute power, soon they will have enough power they will be able to do anything they want and completely enslave all of us. "

The man has also claimed presidential candidate Donald Trump is a human but is  working for the reptilians to help enslave humanity.

 " The Republican Reptilians were opposing Trump as the presidential candidate, however after their reptilian candidate Ted Cruz could not beat Trump , they decided to use Trump to impose their will,  within the last few months the republicans have  all endorsed him and are now using him as their puppet."

Authorities have not been willing to comment on the claims however a special government investigative department has been called upon to investigate the claims. 

The man has mad several claims as the reptilians plans and political power gathering , he has claimed this presidential election is the pivot point in which the " reputilians " cease power by dividing the people of the United States and starting a civil war as we wipe each other out , the reptilians will then move in and begin enslaving the population state by state. 

" They must be STOPPED! We must stop the reptilians , We must Stop Trump or all is lost. " 

The Americans head to the polls next week to determine who will be the next president of the United States of America. Good Luck to you all, you are going to need it. 

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