Saturday, November 26, 2016

Really News Stories ? : Hackers Try To Stop Recount In 3 States Using Cybe...

Really News Stories ? : Hackers Try To Stop Recount In 3 States Using Cybe...: Hackers Using Cyber Attacks Try To Sabotage Recount Funding!  Internet Outage thru out the United States are targeting areas that have a...

Hackers Try To Stop Recount In 3 States Using Cyber Attacks

Hackers Using Cyber Attacks Try To Sabotage Recount Funding! 

Internet Outage thru out the United States are targeting areas that have a high democrat voter turn out. 

States that could potentially fully fund a recount in Michigan , Wisconsin and Pensylvania thru Jill Stiens Recount Crowd Fund. Mrs.Stien has Successfully raised over 5.8 Million and is almost reached the goal of 7 million needed by Monday to fund a full recount in 3 states. 

Century Link Outage 
Comcast Internet Outage 

Compare Both Outage Maps of Comcast Internet and Centurylink Internet providers and compare the U.S.A. 2016 Electoral College Map.  

Electoral College Map

When both maps are overlaid on the states and counties that voted heavily democrat are suffering internet outages during a crucial fundraising stage to fund a recount in several states that Donald Trump won the electoral college.
Map Outage Overlay

Is this an attempt by outside terrorism or domestic sabotage in an attempt to stop the recount in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pensylvania or purely coincidence that both of the major internet providers in the United States are suffering severe connection outages. 

The Cyber Attacks could potentially stop or hurt the funding efforts needed to file for a recount in which Hillary Clinton may have potentially beaten Donald Trump. 

Friday, November 18, 2016

Man Sees Jolly Green Giant In Fields.

Jolly Green Giant

A farmer in Kansas has claimed to have seen the Jolly Green Giant picking vegetables from his fields. 

The Incident took place late last night when a man was doing his nightly rounds on his Kansas farm property.

The man identified as Willford Eastwood claims that as he was riding around his property on an ATV he saw the Jolly Green Giant picking vegetables and putting them in tiny little plastic bags.

He described the giant being about 30 feet or 9.144 meters in height with a greenish skin and a leafy hair. He also said the giant was wearing green colored panties or underwear and peter pan style boots.

The man claims as he tried to approach the giant to get a better look it must have heard his ATV and became startled and then ran away into a forest area that is near his property.

 The man was very startled and notified his local authorities who all laughed at the story as the man is known to indulge himself with alcoholic beverages.

When asked about the incident , Mr. Eastwood was very willing to talk about his experience.

" They don't believe me but I sarw it with my own eyes!" 

Mr. Eastwood is hoping to record the giant again with a video camera to prove the giant is real.

" I always knew that Jolly Green Giant was real, and I am going to prove it." 

Mrs. Eastwood declined to speak on the matter . 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Man Gets Arm Stuck In Toilet

A Salt Lake City resident had his arm stuck in a toilet for several hours after swallowing a ring.

Mr.Seby indicated that his arm became stuck when he reached  into the toilet to try to grab a ring before it went down the toilet pipe.

Hand Stuck In Toilet
As he grasped the ring in a fist his hand immediately became stuck in the toilet, he was unable to dislodge his arm from the toilet for several hours .

When Mr.Seby did not come home from work his wife became worried and called his employer to locate him. His coworkers found Mr.Seby asleep in the bathroom with his arm stuck in the toilet.

Local emergency fire crews were called in and were able to free Mr.Sebys arm after breaking open the toilet.

When asked about the incident by his fellow employees and emergency workers , Mr.Seby said he swallowed the ring to prove this his wife Anna that he would try eating anything at least once.

After swallowing the ring Mr.Seby later became extremely constipated for 72 hours and was unable to pass the ring . He was able to finally pass the ring after eating large quantities of Indian curry as prescribed by his brother in law Rob.

It is unclear if the man's wife will ever wear the ring again or if his employer will make him pay for the damage to the toilet.

His brother Rob commented on the situation, " Well, I guess his shitter was full..." 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Never Under Estimate The Stupidity Of The American Voter.

The Stupidity of the average American voter has reared its ugly head.

Sieg Heil! Furer Trump....

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Really News Stories ? : Zombies Vote In Presidential Election.

 Zombies Vote In Presidential Election.: In a strange turn of events, zombies have started turning up at early voting stations across the United States to vote in the 2016 presiden...

Monday, November 7, 2016

Jello Science Experiment Is Alive

A high school student in North Carolina has successfully spawned a new life form using Green Jello. 

The high school sophomore was initially conducting the experiment as a joke, in which he intended to enter the experiment in the school science fair.

The boy has been using batteries as a power source and copper wires placed inside the green jello. The boy began sending an electrical current from the batteries thru the wires to the jello in a Frankenstein type of mad scientist joke experiment. 

The boy had left the wires connected to the batteries overnight when he returned the next morning the jello had grown in size and was moving around inside the container. 

The young man notified his biology instructor in order verify his claims, the blobish life form is said to have grown twice in size since the discovery and continues to grow at an exponential rate. 

The teacher has since moved the new life form into a bigger container to observe the jello's behavior.  The jello life form is said to grow quickly when it makes contact with an electric current.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Man Says He Has Proof Republicans Are Reptilians

A New York Man has indicated that he has proof the leaders of the republican party are not human and are in fact reptilian creatures from another dimension.

The man is currently  in protective custody of New York State authorities due to several previous attempts to assassinate him by unknown parties.

 The man believes they do not want the man to come forward with proof of reptilian creatures infiltrating  the United States republican party. 

The man believes that it is critical the truth be known before the U.S. citizens vote next week in the presidential election.

He has also indicated that he has been trying to get proof for several years and finally was able to capture the reptilians morphing into their human disguise  using his phone camera. 

The unknown man went on record stating that the reptilian creatures use a hologram type of technology to disguise themselves enabling them to appear in public as human. 

 " Many of the people in government offices do not realize they are taking orders from creatures who are determined to enslave the human race. " 

" They are working from inside our government, they are slowly beginning to change our government so they have absolute power, soon they will have enough power they will be able to do anything they want and completely enslave all of us. "

The man has also claimed presidential candidate Donald Trump is a human but is  working for the reptilians to help enslave humanity.

 " The Republican Reptilians were opposing Trump as the presidential candidate, however after their reptilian candidate Ted Cruz could not beat Trump , they decided to use Trump to impose their will,  within the last few months the republicans have  all endorsed him and are now using him as their puppet."

Authorities have not been willing to comment on the claims however a special government investigative department has been called upon to investigate the claims. 

The man has mad several claims as the reptilians plans and political power gathering , he has claimed this presidential election is the pivot point in which the " reputilians " cease power by dividing the people of the United States and starting a civil war as we wipe each other out , the reptilians will then move in and begin enslaving the population state by state. 

" They must be STOPPED! We must stop the reptilians , We must Stop Trump or all is lost. " 

The Americans head to the polls next week to determine who will be the next president of the United States of America. Good Luck to you all, you are going to need it. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Man Awakens With Third Eye.

In the news today, a man in Nepal has awakened with a third eye on his forehead.
Man With Third Eye

 The eye is much different as it appears to have the characteristics and features of a cat eye. The man says he can see  thru the eye however objects appear in pure colors rather than multi-colored as normal human eyes would see objects.

Many in the surrounding villages have flocked to see the man ,  believing he is a holy man with the sight of wisdom and the ability to foretell the future using his third eye.

In a bit of an ironic turn, up until recently the man identified by the name of
"Pasutra" has long been a village drunk and has never been spiritual nor does he believe in many of the traditional beliefs that are common in the small Nepali village in which he resides.

Doctors from Kathmandu are traveling to the small remote village to visit the man and to determine if the eye is real or a hoax.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Dinosaurs Discovered In The Amazon Rain Forest.

The recent discovery of the existence of dinosaurs in the rain forest of South America has been described by many as a page straight out of science fiction novel and has shocked scientific communities. 

Dinosaurs have been discovered living in the remote jungles of the South American rain forests. The discovery  comes after years of sightings by native tribes that inhabit the most remote areas of the amazon rain forests. 

Dinosaurs in rain forest.
The official discovery was made by Dr. Jeffery Engin, who has been searching the amazon forests for over twenty years in hopes of finding the extinct animals. Dr. Engin has said to have discovered four different species of herbivorous dinosaurs estimated to be between 8 tons/ 7257.48kg to 40 tons/36287.4kg in size. 

Each species has been described as looking very similar aside from proportions and length, the creatures have long necks with massive bodies and long tails and walk on all four legs,possessing skin tones that blend in very well with the surrounding jungle almost like a camouflage type of pattern.  

Amazon Rain Forest
The discovery of these creatures comes after years of speculation by many in the cryptozoology community who have speculated that dinosaurs could still exist in the most remote unexplored jungles of both South America and the Congolese Jungles in Africa.  

Sightings of Dinosaurs have also been reported for many years in various different parts of the world where lush rainforest still remain unexplored such as Madagascar, Africa and in some parts of Asia. 

Dr. Engin is not yet willing to release the exact location of the creatures due to fear of poachers. He will only reveal the location when he has secured federal protection guarantees for the animals from the United States and from various different South American governments , which indicates the creatures may have a very large area of habitation that may cross the borders of several different South American countries. 

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Cursed Man Runs Away From Village.

In the news today, a Transylvanian man believed to be cursed has fled his village fearing that he is responsible for the recent outbreak of cheese theft in village. 

 Vlad Isagoria believes he was cursed by gypsies after he ran over an old gypsie woman near his home which is located in a remote mountainous area of  Maldova.

Mr.Isagoria accidently ran over the old gypsy woman as she was crossing a dirt road, explaining to local authorities at the time of the incident that he could not see the woman due to all the fog that evening.

Many of the people that live in the village believe the old woman was a witch possessing magical powers as well as the ability to curse people.

Mr.Isagoria and his family believe he will soon turn into a giant sized rat.

" I know I will change into a giant rat, the old woman has cursed me." 

" Every where I look I see cheese, it's all around me."

Friday, October 28, 2016

News Flash Man Eats Lunch With Bigfoot.

An Oregon man claims to have had lunch with Bigfoot in the forests near Mt.Hood.

 Bigfoot is believed by many to be an unknown ape type creature that inhabits the forests of  both Oregon and Washington's . Many are skeptical about the existence of such a large creature living in the forests. However every year hundreds of sightings of the creature of people claiming to have encountered the creature are reported to  state forestry  authorities.

The man who wished to remain anonymous was said to have been working in the forest near Mt.Hood when he had the encounter with the legendary creature. 

According to local authorities, the man is a forestry worker and wished to remain anonymous because of fears of losing his job with the state forestry department. 

The man claimed to have just stopped working and started to eat his lunch when the hairy creature walked out from behind trees near the clearing where he was sitting , it began to approach him , fearing for his safety the many stood up and held out a bag of Dorrito chips to the Bigfoot. 

The man said the creature was apprehensive at first but took the offering and began eating the chips. The man said the creature was holding some type of root or bulb in its hand and offered it to the man, the man said he did not want to try it but took it as a gesture of friendship. 

" I didn't want to be rude, so I ate the roots."

The man explained that soon both he and the Bigfoot were sitting and exchanging food with each other. 

 " Bigfoot really enjoyed peanut butter and some of the jellybeans." 

After the man and the creature finished eating the food , he explained that the creature stood up and walked back into the forest.  When asked if he had any proof of the encounter the man said that it had not even occurred to him to take a picture or video of the creature because it was just like having lunch with any other person except this was Bigfoot. 

The man would not give a specific location of the encounter but has indicated he will return to the same place for lunch in the future and hopes he will have another encounter with the legendary creature. 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

News Flash ! Scientists Grow Hand.

In the news today, Scientists in Germany have successfully grown a human hand from cells that were implanted in a chicken egg. 
Hand Grown In Egg

The hand first emerged from the egg shell early this morning. Scientists who were monitoring the egg first noticed small cracks in the shell late last night. 

The hand slowly broke free of the shell and then began spreading its fingers in the same way a chicken behaves when it first breaks free of an egg. 

The hand appears to be sentient and intelligent , the hand began waving at the scientists  one of the first signs of intelligence observed. 

It soon became clear the hand was a lefty as it began trying to open the doors and windows in the laboratory.  Lab workers have named the hand " Lefty." 

Scientist tried various types of stimulation since the hand appeared, the hand was highly responsive to music,it  responded strongly to the 1980's hit " Billy Jean" by pop artist Micheal Jackson. 

The hand was soon dressed in a shiny rhinestone glove. 

The Scientist will attempt to grow a right hand after observing the successful growth of " Lefty." 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Man Gets Very Bad Hair Cut!

 A Salt Lake City man has been recognized as having the badest haircut of 2016.

 A Salt Lake City man, we will call the victim, "Rob Gutierred"  walked into and expensive barber shop with a full head of  hair and came out with a butchered bad hair cut that hearkens back to the days of 80's goth hair.

" All I wanted was a simple clean up around the ears ,  look what they did to me!  I'm a MONSTER !" 
Bad Hair Cut!

When the man arrived home , his wife asked him what happened to him! His hair was all shaved off and looked like he was an escapee from a bad eighties sci-fi movie .

Bad haircuts are uncommon in this part of the world but every now and then a bad hair cut slips by the radar and gets somebody.

This time the victim  paid the ultimate price, his hair ! Watch out , don't let the bad hair cut monster get you, if you have been the victim of a bad haircut but feel there is nothing you can do , don't despair , it's only hair.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Man Turns Into Giant Yellow Monster After Eating Radio Active Twinkie.

A man has been transformed into a giant raging yellow beast after eating an irradiated Twinkie dessert cake that was found on a Nevada nuclear testing site.
Yummy Twinkies

The man was part of a radiation clean- up team that  has been working on the  site as part of an effort to clean up radio active waste left over from tests conducted in the 1970's.

The site is said to contain  homes and cities that were constructed for use in the experiments. The man entered one of the structures and found some left over desert cakes that had survived the blast intact. All of the teams who work on the sites have been warned not to take anything home or consume  anything they find on the sites due to the possibility of radiation.

Man Eating Irradiated Twinkie
Apparently the man decided not to heed the warnings and consumed a box of the the deserts he found in one of the structures. Team members that were working in close proximity who witnessed the man eating the cakes said he immediately started to behave strangely and then began to change color and then began to grow in size.

Giant Yellow Monster
Team supervisors were immediately called in to help evacuate the man however by the time they arrived the yellow giant had fled the site.

 Army helicopters have been called in and
are now searching for the man in hopes they can find and contain the radio active giant before he reaches populated areas where he would expose the population to radiation.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Stubborn Man Has Stare Down With Mirror.

An  Italian man regarded as the most stubborn man in Italy is refusing to leave a public bathroom.

The man is regarded by many as the most stubborn man in Italy for his unwillingness to walk away from arguments or obey laws or rules he disagrees with, those who know the man say they are not surprised that he refuses to leave the restroom.

According to Mr. Bertoli's old brother Joseph, the incident started when Mr.Ignacio Bertoli entered a grocery store bathroom.

His brother Joseph explained, that he was just finishing up his grocery shopping when his brother Ignacio went into the restroom. After waiting for twenty minutes outside of the grocery store, one of the grocery clerks came out to his car and told him Ignacio was yelling in the bathroom, Joseph went into the store to find out what sort of trouble his brother had gotten himself into,  only to find Ignacio yelling inside the bathroom.

Mr. Bertoli (Joseph) asked his brother Ignacio what he was doing , his brother (Ignacio) explained  that he was not going to leave the bathroom until he received an apology!  " This Bastard gave me the evil eye! "

Mr. Bertoli(Joseph)  looked around the bathroom but could not see anyone else in the bathroom, puzzled by his brother's outburst he asked him what he was talking about. It's at that moment his brother Ignacio started to argue with his reflection. " You think you're better than me! Don't You, Don't You! " 

Mr. Bertoli explained that as his brother Ignacio was leaving the bathroom, he must have glared at himself  and was offended by the look he gave himself. He explained that his brother is very old school,  Italian men take staring seriously however his brother's reaction takes it to the extreme.

Joseph was not surprised that his brother was arguing with his own reflection, as he explains " My brother Ignacio has always been very temperamental and insecure. "

 Their mother who lives two hours away has been notified,  is driving down to try to convince her son to leave the store.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

People Disintegrating In Cities

Woman in London, England claims she saw a man vaporized in the streets of London. 

Camilla Wonderlust notified the local authorities after witnessing a man being vaporized by a strange light that was hovering above him. The woman said she saw the man go thru several phases of change before he disappeared , all that was left of the man were his clothing and shoes. 

Miss Wonderlust stated that she has always wondered why there are so many areas of London that have discarded clothing and shoes lying in the streets  that appear as if the person just took of their clothes and walked away. 

She said that she is afraid to walk out in the streets after witnessing the man being vaporized by the strange light, describing the light  as a laser beam hitting the man like a science fiction movie type of laser. 

" I could see right through him, I could see his bones and then he was gone, all that was left were his clothes and his shoes." 

Authorities have notified the Torchwood agency to look into the matter. 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Bad Hombres Take Over Local Movie Theatre

A group of Bad Hombres took over a small local movie theater forcing movie goes to endure a screening of " Star Wars The Force Awakens".
Bad Hombres

Movie goers  described the experience as agonizing,  and painful to have to endure three hours of watching the movie that many believed to be one of the worse movies ever made.

One of the detainees , Owen Moff  describes his experience as being torturous,
 " I couldn't stand it, I was dying in my seat, I tried to choke myself on popcorn."

 The group of Bad Hombres were wearing storm trooper costumes and wielded lightsabers and blasters, which they used to detain the movie patrons.

One man was said to have said to have stood up and started yelling and screaming hysterically before passing out when one of the young actors in the movie made his first appearance.

Darth Vader
  " He just stood up and started screaming SHUT UP!  SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT YOUR MOUTH ! YOUR NOT DARTH VADER! "  

By the end of the film, many of the people in the theater had either passed out from the torture or were weeping from having to endure the  movie.

When the last movie credit rolled off the screen , the Bad Hombres stood in front of the screen yelling , " LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE! " the group quickly left the theater leaving behind a theater full of traumatized movie goers.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Zombies Vote In Presidential Election.

In a strange turn of events, zombies have started turning up at early voting stations across the United States to vote in the 2016 presidential election.

Apparently,the thought of Donald Trump possibly becoming the next president of the United States has dead people rolling over in their graves, literally.

When the zombies initially started turning up at voting stations , people were in a panic and started notifying authorities of a zombie invasion. However after a police stopped and detained a few zombies , the zombies indicated they were not there to harm anyone , they just wanted to vote. 

One zombie was quoted as saying he couldn't just lay there and let the events unfold, 

"Alive or Dead, I still love my country and I think it's every American's duty to vote, especially when we are faced with the possibility of having four years of that pumpkin looking guy as president."  Bob Harris

Several zombies were questioned why they decided to dig themselves out of their graves to vote in this election, here are a few quotes from several different dead voters. 

 "I had to dig myself out of my hole and now it's Americans duties to dig our country out of the hole it has dug itself into." Roger Ebert

Add caption
" Usually I just dig myself out to attack the living and eat their brains, but this is different, brain eating will just have to wait . I couldn't just lay there , I had to do something, and then maybe after I vote I can get some lunch."   Chrome Steele.

Presidential candidate Donald Trump quickly called for a ban on all zombie voters claiming their votes were biased and shouldn't count because many of the zombie voters have never seen his television show and couldn't possibly know how qualified he is for the job and how much he respects zombies more than anyone ever. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Brad Pitt Receives Bionic Hand.

Brad Pitt has received the world's first bionic hand transplant. 

The Hollywood star  Brad Pitt underwent twenty hours of surgery to have the bionic hand surgically grafted to muscle and tissue of his right hand after having his hand amputated by a ninja during an ambush several weeks ago in an adult bookstore on Hollywood Blvd.

He is said to be doing well , his progress will be monitored by  a cyborg implant physician and a robotics expert both working together to monitor the progress of the integration of his new bionic hand.

Mr. Pitt agreed to have the experimental bionic hand after realizing he has nothing to lose, no pun intended.

It is said that after the surgery Mr. Pitt crushed a soda can with his hand and was able to open a jar of pickles, a source close to Mr.Pitt has said that the Hollywood star was astounded by the feat, considering it would be near impossible for a person with a normal hand to do the same.

Lee MajorsIt is rumored that Mr. Pitt has ordered several red jumpsuits that resemble the type of jumpsuit worn by actor Lee Majors in the  80's television series " The Bionic Man." 

Monday, October 17, 2016

Man Records Ghost In Cemetary.

Man records a ghost  in cemetery.  

Man Attacked By Sea Monster In Grocery Store.

A man shopping in a Wal Mart grocery store says he was attacked by a sea monster in the kiddie pool aisle .

The man described the creature as a cross between an octupus and a giant slug type of animal, he also said it had a shiny mouth and large teeth and a greenish blue color skin. 

He said he was shopping for a kiddie pool for his daughter when he noticed a strange shape inside one of the floor model pools that was filled with water, when he walked over to look inside the pool the creature attacked him , wrapping one of it's tentacles around his waste and then proceeded to try to pull him into the pool.

The man was able to fight off the creature and pull himself free from the creatures grip. When security arrived to see what the commotion was there was no sign of the creature, a full sweep of the store was being conducted to find the creature. 

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Teacher Makes Horrifying Discovery.

 Grade School Instructor in London, England Makes Gruesome Discovery.

Mr. Hamforth has been a grade school teacher for more than 25 years in  one of London's West End grade schools. Through out his career as a school teacher he has always wondered why his young student's  enjoy eating Crayola Crayons. 

He purchases several dozen extra boxes of the colorful drawing instruments, usually buying products made in China, by the end of the year all the crayons have been eaten by the young students. 

Mr. Hamforth  finally decided to have the crayons composition tested at a local laboratory near his home. Mr. Hamforth  indicated he received the test results early the next morning before leaving to work, he was horrified  and immediately contacted the laboratory to confirm the results  received were correct.  " I was horrified by the results!"

After confirming the results Mr. Hamforth hurried to the school to notify the headmaster to make an announcement over the p.a system so the children would not eat the crayons. 

The announcement stunned and shocked teachers and students when they heard what crayons were being made out of . 

" Crayons Are People!, Stop Eating Them!!! "

Mr.Hamforth uncovered the grim truth , crayons are made out of people, the lab results have now been turned over to Scotland Yard, they will now conduct an investigation into the Chinese crayon manufactures practices. In the mean time all schools have been instructed to remove the crayons from their class rooms. 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Puppet In Toy Store Attacks 11 Year Old Boy.

A report of a puppet attacking a boy has paranormal investigators looking into the alleged attack. 

The incident occurred in antique shop in the small town of a Sasquatch, Washington, an 11 year old boy and his mother stepped into the Rusty Nail Antique shop to look around. The boy saw the puppet displayed on one of the shelves and immediately was drawn to the odd looking puppet. 

The boys mother wandered off leaving the boy alone with puppet for only a few moments, the boy indicated he felt as though he could not stop starring at the puppet once he saw it. 

After a few seconds the boy indicated the puppets eyes blinked and then it sat up and turned its head to look at him, and opened it's mouth. The boy said he was very frightened and tried to scream for his mother but was unable to scream, that is when the puppet lurched towards him and attacked him. 

His mother heard the commotion and ran back to find her son rolling around on the ground with the puppet.  The child's mother asked him why he was playing on the ground with the puppet,  the boy explained to his mother what had happened however when his mother inspected the doll it was motionless. 

The boy insists the puppet attacked him and was moving around by itself.  

The incident was reported to the shop owner, who has indicated from time to time she has heard noises in his shop and the sound of what he described as small foot steps in the back of the shop near the area where the puppet is displayed, but has never witnessed anything out of the normal. 

Friday, October 14, 2016

Man Wakes Up From Thirty Year Coma Wants To Go Back Into Coma.

A man has awakened  from a 30 year coma, wants to go back to sleep. 

Gerald Fisher has been  in a comatose state since 1986, after suffering a  surfing accident while on holiday with his family.

 At the time of the accident Mr.Fisher was fifteen years old , his family had opted to keep him in a coma state instead of allowing doctor to remove him from life support.

Mr.Fisher woke up earlier this week after hearing the telephone in his room ringing, he woke up and answered the phone with a standard greeting ,  "Hello." unaware that he was in a hospital room and in a coma for so many years.

He then explained to the caller  who he was , his family was quickly notified that he had awakened .

Mr.Fisher is very disoriented at this point, the entire world has changed since he was knocked unconscious .

He does not like how different the world is and is very distraught over having been asleep for most of his life.

Mr. Fisher has also asked for his girlfriend at the time a miss Suzy Johnson. Miss Johnson has been notified of his awakening , she now lives in another state and has a husband and a family.

At this point in time , Mr.Fisher has repeatedly asked to be placed back in a coma because he does not think he can handle how much the world has changed for him.

Indicating it is like time passed has passed him by , the last thing Mr.Fisher remembers is running out to the beach with his younger sister and then riding out in the waves, that was the summer of 1985.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Really News Stories ? : UFO Lands On White House Lawn , Aliens Offer To Te...

A UFO or unidentified flying object , has landed on the United States White House Lawn early this morning.  

The alien craft landed in the early morning hours of 10/13/2016, after receiving clearance from United States National Security and White House Security.

It is said that the current president of the United States " Mr.Barrack Obama, " had been in contact with the alien craft before any attempts were made by the craft to land.

Few details are available at this time, however what is known is the aliens have made their intentions clear, they are here as friends to humanity and were concerned over the current presidential election, particularly  with the possibility of "Donald Trump" running for president.

It is rumored the craft traveled  using a worm hole or a sort of bend in the time space continuum to reach the earth.  Traveling through  a worm hole is extremely dangerous but the aliens were desperate to reach the earth before humanity made a terrible mistake.

Mr. Obama is said to be open to listening to what the aliens are suggesting.  One of the main concerns the aliens have is that they are worried that Donald will erect a wall around the earth or bring about the destruction of humanity in a fit of rage if elected president.

The aliens have made the generous offer of transporting Trump directly into a black hole that is just outside of our  galaxy. The only concern they have in doing this, is they are not sure how the black hole would react to having a person such as Trump who is an energy sucking black hole himself.

Regardless the aliens are more than willing to take the chance of ridding humanity of the dire threat of trump.

Congress is said to be taking a vote at this time as too whether or not to allow the aliens to transport him into the black hole. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Florida Man Sees Giant Python In Swamp

A Burmese python estimated to be in excess of 50 ft in length was sighted recently in the Florida Everglades wet lands . 

Local Gator hunter Bubba Leroy Smit reported seeing the giant snake to local fish and game officials.

Mr. Smit indicated the giant constrictor was laying close to the shore of one of the lakes as he was trawling the lake for gators, when he first sighted the snake he was amazed at the size of the snake "It was as long as a bus!",as he  slowed down to take pictures. 

As soon as Mr.Smit stopped his engine the giant snake took notice and started slithering into the water towards his boat. Mr. Smit has stated that when he saw the snake coming towards his boat he started up his engine " I got's outta der.
 After leaving the the area he did not see the snake following him but indicated he was very frightened by the encounter " I ain't never seen nothing like that snake in my whole life, I was afraid for my life." 

Mr. Smits has been a local  hunter in Florida for 30 years and has said he has never seen a snake as massive as  this one. 

 The Burmese Python is an invasive species to the Florida Everglades wet lands, efforts have been made to remove the snakes from the area however to date it is estimated there are currently thousands of the constrictors inhabiting the wet lands. 

The local fish and game authorities have reportedly gone into the swamp area to find and capture the snake .