Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Man Gets Very Bad Hair Cut!

 A Salt Lake City man has been recognized as having the badest haircut of 2016.

 A Salt Lake City man, we will call the victim, "Rob Gutierred"  walked into and expensive barber shop with a full head of  hair and came out with a butchered bad hair cut that hearkens back to the days of 80's goth hair.

" All I wanted was a simple clean up around the ears ,  look what they did to me!  I'm a MONSTER !" 
Bad Hair Cut!

When the man arrived home , his wife asked him what happened to him! His hair was all shaved off and looked like he was an escapee from a bad eighties sci-fi movie .

Bad haircuts are uncommon in this part of the world but every now and then a bad hair cut slips by the radar and gets somebody.

This time the victim  paid the ultimate price, his hair ! Watch out , don't let the bad hair cut monster get you, if you have been the victim of a bad haircut but feel there is nothing you can do , don't despair , it's only hair.

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