Friday, October 28, 2016

News Flash Man Eats Lunch With Bigfoot.

An Oregon man claims to have had lunch with Bigfoot in the forests near Mt.Hood.

 Bigfoot is believed by many to be an unknown ape type creature that inhabits the forests of  both Oregon and Washington's . Many are skeptical about the existence of such a large creature living in the forests. However every year hundreds of sightings of the creature of people claiming to have encountered the creature are reported to  state forestry  authorities.

The man who wished to remain anonymous was said to have been working in the forest near Mt.Hood when he had the encounter with the legendary creature. 

According to local authorities, the man is a forestry worker and wished to remain anonymous because of fears of losing his job with the state forestry department. 

The man claimed to have just stopped working and started to eat his lunch when the hairy creature walked out from behind trees near the clearing where he was sitting , it began to approach him , fearing for his safety the many stood up and held out a bag of Dorrito chips to the Bigfoot. 

The man said the creature was apprehensive at first but took the offering and began eating the chips. The man said the creature was holding some type of root or bulb in its hand and offered it to the man, the man said he did not want to try it but took it as a gesture of friendship. 

" I didn't want to be rude, so I ate the roots."

The man explained that soon both he and the Bigfoot were sitting and exchanging food with each other. 

 " Bigfoot really enjoyed peanut butter and some of the jellybeans." 

After the man and the creature finished eating the food , he explained that the creature stood up and walked back into the forest.  When asked if he had any proof of the encounter the man said that it had not even occurred to him to take a picture or video of the creature because it was just like having lunch with any other person except this was Bigfoot. 

The man would not give a specific location of the encounter but has indicated he will return to the same place for lunch in the future and hopes he will have another encounter with the legendary creature. 

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