Monday, October 17, 2016

Man Attacked By Sea Monster In Grocery Store.

A man shopping in a Wal Mart grocery store says he was attacked by a sea monster in the kiddie pool aisle .

The man described the creature as a cross between an octupus and a giant slug type of animal, he also said it had a shiny mouth and large teeth and a greenish blue color skin. 

He said he was shopping for a kiddie pool for his daughter when he noticed a strange shape inside one of the floor model pools that was filled with water, when he walked over to look inside the pool the creature attacked him , wrapping one of it's tentacles around his waste and then proceeded to try to pull him into the pool.

The man was able to fight off the creature and pull himself free from the creatures grip. When security arrived to see what the commotion was there was no sign of the creature, a full sweep of the store was being conducted to find the creature. 

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