Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Brad Pitt Receives Bionic Hand.

Brad Pitt has received the world's first bionic hand transplant. 

The Hollywood star  Brad Pitt underwent twenty hours of surgery to have the bionic hand surgically grafted to muscle and tissue of his right hand after having his hand amputated by a ninja during an ambush several weeks ago in an adult bookstore on Hollywood Blvd.

He is said to be doing well , his progress will be monitored by  a cyborg implant physician and a robotics expert both working together to monitor the progress of the integration of his new bionic hand.

Mr. Pitt agreed to have the experimental bionic hand after realizing he has nothing to lose, no pun intended.

It is said that after the surgery Mr. Pitt crushed a soda can with his hand and was able to open a jar of pickles, a source close to Mr.Pitt has said that the Hollywood star was astounded by the feat, considering it would be near impossible for a person with a normal hand to do the same.

Lee MajorsIt is rumored that Mr. Pitt has ordered several red jumpsuits that resemble the type of jumpsuit worn by actor Lee Majors in the  80's television series " The Bionic Man." 

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