Saturday, October 15, 2016

Puppet In Toy Store Attacks 11 Year Old Boy.

A report of a puppet attacking a boy has paranormal investigators looking into the alleged attack. 

The incident occurred in antique shop in the small town of a Sasquatch, Washington, an 11 year old boy and his mother stepped into the Rusty Nail Antique shop to look around. The boy saw the puppet displayed on one of the shelves and immediately was drawn to the odd looking puppet. 

The boys mother wandered off leaving the boy alone with puppet for only a few moments, the boy indicated he felt as though he could not stop starring at the puppet once he saw it. 

After a few seconds the boy indicated the puppets eyes blinked and then it sat up and turned its head to look at him, and opened it's mouth. The boy said he was very frightened and tried to scream for his mother but was unable to scream, that is when the puppet lurched towards him and attacked him. 

His mother heard the commotion and ran back to find her son rolling around on the ground with the puppet.  The child's mother asked him why he was playing on the ground with the puppet,  the boy explained to his mother what had happened however when his mother inspected the doll it was motionless. 

The boy insists the puppet attacked him and was moving around by itself.  

The incident was reported to the shop owner, who has indicated from time to time she has heard noises in his shop and the sound of what he described as small foot steps in the back of the shop near the area where the puppet is displayed, but has never witnessed anything out of the normal. 

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