Sunday, October 23, 2016

Stubborn Man Has Stare Down With Mirror.

An  Italian man regarded as the most stubborn man in Italy is refusing to leave a public bathroom.

The man is regarded by many as the most stubborn man in Italy for his unwillingness to walk away from arguments or obey laws or rules he disagrees with, those who know the man say they are not surprised that he refuses to leave the restroom.

According to Mr. Bertoli's old brother Joseph, the incident started when Mr.Ignacio Bertoli entered a grocery store bathroom.

His brother Joseph explained, that he was just finishing up his grocery shopping when his brother Ignacio went into the restroom. After waiting for twenty minutes outside of the grocery store, one of the grocery clerks came out to his car and told him Ignacio was yelling in the bathroom, Joseph went into the store to find out what sort of trouble his brother had gotten himself into,  only to find Ignacio yelling inside the bathroom.

Mr. Bertoli (Joseph) asked his brother Ignacio what he was doing , his brother (Ignacio) explained  that he was not going to leave the bathroom until he received an apology!  " This Bastard gave me the evil eye! "

Mr. Bertoli(Joseph)  looked around the bathroom but could not see anyone else in the bathroom, puzzled by his brother's outburst he asked him what he was talking about. It's at that moment his brother Ignacio started to argue with his reflection. " You think you're better than me! Don't You, Don't You! " 

Mr. Bertoli explained that as his brother Ignacio was leaving the bathroom, he must have glared at himself  and was offended by the look he gave himself. He explained that his brother is very old school,  Italian men take staring seriously however his brother's reaction takes it to the extreme.

Joseph was not surprised that his brother was arguing with his own reflection, as he explains " My brother Ignacio has always been very temperamental and insecure. "

 Their mother who lives two hours away has been notified,  is driving down to try to convince her son to leave the store.

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