Thursday, October 27, 2016

News Flash ! Scientists Grow Hand.

In the news today, Scientists in Germany have successfully grown a human hand from cells that were implanted in a chicken egg. 
Hand Grown In Egg

The hand first emerged from the egg shell early this morning. Scientists who were monitoring the egg first noticed small cracks in the shell late last night. 

The hand slowly broke free of the shell and then began spreading its fingers in the same way a chicken behaves when it first breaks free of an egg. 

The hand appears to be sentient and intelligent , the hand began waving at the scientists  one of the first signs of intelligence observed. 

It soon became clear the hand was a lefty as it began trying to open the doors and windows in the laboratory.  Lab workers have named the hand " Lefty." 

Scientist tried various types of stimulation since the hand appeared, the hand was highly responsive to music,it  responded strongly to the 1980's hit " Billy Jean" by pop artist Micheal Jackson. 

The hand was soon dressed in a shiny rhinestone glove. 

The Scientist will attempt to grow a right hand after observing the successful growth of " Lefty." 

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