Thursday, October 13, 2016

Really News Stories ? : UFO Lands On White House Lawn , Aliens Offer To Te...

A UFO or unidentified flying object , has landed on the United States White House Lawn early this morning.  

The alien craft landed in the early morning hours of 10/13/2016, after receiving clearance from United States National Security and White House Security.

It is said that the current president of the United States " Mr.Barrack Obama, " had been in contact with the alien craft before any attempts were made by the craft to land.

Few details are available at this time, however what is known is the aliens have made their intentions clear, they are here as friends to humanity and were concerned over the current presidential election, particularly  with the possibility of "Donald Trump" running for president.

It is rumored the craft traveled  using a worm hole or a sort of bend in the time space continuum to reach the earth.  Traveling through  a worm hole is extremely dangerous but the aliens were desperate to reach the earth before humanity made a terrible mistake.

Mr. Obama is said to be open to listening to what the aliens are suggesting.  One of the main concerns the aliens have is that they are worried that Donald will erect a wall around the earth or bring about the destruction of humanity in a fit of rage if elected president.

The aliens have made the generous offer of transporting Trump directly into a black hole that is just outside of our  galaxy. The only concern they have in doing this, is they are not sure how the black hole would react to having a person such as Trump who is an energy sucking black hole himself.

Regardless the aliens are more than willing to take the chance of ridding humanity of the dire threat of trump.

Congress is said to be taking a vote at this time as too whether or not to allow the aliens to transport him into the black hole. 

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