Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Brad Pitt attacked for a second time in two days!

Brad Pitt was attacked for a second time in two days by a Kung Fu Master. 

Pitt was ambushed early this afternoon as he left a Star Bucks coffee shop in Beverly Hills. Pitt  received only minor wounds and was able to defend himself and fight off the Kung Fu master  because of the fighting techniques he learned from an earlier movie which he had been cast in.

The Kung Fu master ambushed Pitt as he was walking away from the coffee shop, onlookers who witnessed the attack indicated the the Kung Fu master was hiding behind some bushes and was wearing a camouflage ninja suit. The attacker jumped out from behind the bushes and attacked the actor from behind placing Pitt in a strangle hold. Mr.Pitt was able to break free of the attackers grip and then proceeded to lift the ninja over his head with both arms and body slam the ninja to the ground and then proceeded to urinate allover the ninja.

Onlookers who saw the fight said the ninja looked bewildered by the urinating, scrambling to his feet the ninja ran away and turned around and swore revenge against Mr.Pitt for a second time.

Witnesses to the attack indicated having heard Mr.Pitt  yell " bring it on! I'll be waiting!" and stated that Mr.Pitt proceeded to perform martial art kicks and punches as a display of his readiness for the next encounter with the Kung Fu master.

One thing is clear, don't fuck with Brad Pitt or you may be on the receiving end of an royal fight club asswhoopin.

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