Tuesday, October 4, 2016

This just in from NASA. Aliens have made Audio contact !

NASA has indicated late last night at 2:47 am eastern time, NASA received an transmission of unknown origin from the far side of the Earths moon. 

The space agency has indicated that it is still too early to say who sent the transmission but initial findings suggest the signal originated from Earth's lunar body, it could however be from other origins further out in our galaxy.Some scientist have speculated that contact with an extra terrestrial species was inevitable

Giorogio Tsoukalos alien astronaut theorist has supported the possibility that aliens inhabit the moon and are directly responsible for mans existence on the earth. 

 Donald Trump on the other hand has thrown in his  hat and stated that if these aliens try to come to the  Earth without visa's he is going to build a wall  around the Earth to keep them out. 

Hillary Clinton has indicated she will fully support a peaceful relationship with aliens so long as they contribute to her presidential campaign. 

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