Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Brad Pitt loses hand.

Hollywood film star Brad Pitt has had a hand cut off in a fierce battle with  Kung Fu master.

The star is reported to be in stable condition , Mr Pitt will spend the next few days in Los Angeles General Hospital where his condition will be monitored .

The incident in which Pitt lost his right hand took place after he was ambushed by ten ninja warriors led by a mysterious Kung Fu master inside an adult book store in downtown Hollywood . Pitt was alledgelly picking up a book for a friend when the ninjas attacked Pitt inside the store when the mayhem ensued .

One of the store customers has described the fight between Pitt and the Kung Fu master as looking like a tornado with the too locked in combat twisting and turning and exhaging chops and kicks .
Using  moves learned from films and moves learned from years of playing the video game " Street Fighter 2" Pitt easily defeated all the ninjas .
Pitt was able to get the upper hand and was about to deliver the defeating blow to the Kung Fu master when one of the other ninjas attacked Pitt from behind and used a sword to cut off Pitts right hand.

The Kung Fu master and the ninjas fled the scene when police sirens could be heard , Pitt was helped to his feet by onlookers , paramedics stablized Pitt at the scene. Paramedics searched for the amputated hand however were un able to locate his hand.
One of the witness has indicated she believes she saw one of the ninjas grab Pitts hand as they fled the scene.

No comments have been made directly from Pitt , Pitts agent has said the film star is doing well under the circumstances and has vowed to get revenge on the Kung Fu master. 

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