Monday, October 10, 2016

Man See's Demon in German Cemetary.

A German farmer in  small town 45 km outside of Rhineland has reported seeing a demon  in the towns small cemetery, over the last few nights. 

The farmer who wished to keep his name anonymous for fear of being labeled a liar and a devil worshiper has indicated that over the last several nights he has heard  horrifying screaming sounds coming from a local cemetery which is located a few km/miles from the small farming community. 

The farmer thought it might possibly be an injured farm animal and went out to investigate the sounds with his daughter, when they arrived near the source of the screams both he and his daughter were immediately overwhelmed with the putrid smell of a dead animal and the smell of sulfur. 

The farmer has said he immediately knew it was not an animal after getting closer to the screaming sounds , describing the screams as demonic and evil. He quickly instructed his daughter to run back to the truck, when they reached the truck he turned on his vehicle lights, that is when a demon stepped directly onto the road in front of his vehicle. 

The farmer's daughter quickly took a picture with her phone to prove to the police  that both she and her father saw a demon in the cemetery, they locked the vehicle doors and quickly left the cemetery. 

The farmer has said he has heard stories of demons living in the cemetery but never fully believed the stories to be true until seeing this demon. Neither the farmer or his daughter will return to the cemetery. 

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